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This dataset contains stock market data for prominent energy companies operating within the Refinery and Distribution, namely MPC, PSX and VLO. It encompasses 5 years of trading data, including daily opening and closing prices, the highest and lowest prices recorded during the day, and the trading volume for each respective day. This dataset, which provides the stock performance analysis of major companies in the Refinery and Distribution sector such as MPC, PSX, and VLO, holds significant value for investors, analysts, and researchers. Due to its inclusion of daily stock price changes, this dataset is a crucial tool for those evaluating both short-term and long-term investment strategies for these companies.
This dataset contains stock market data for prominent energy companies operating within the Refinery and Distribution, namely MPC, PSX and VLO. It encompasses 5 years of trading data, including daily opening and closing prices, the highest and lowest prices recorded during the day, and the trading volume for each respective day. This dataset, which provides the stock performance analysis of major companies in the Refinery and Distribution sector such as MPC, PSX, and VLO, holds significant value for investors, analysts, and researchers. Due to its inclusion of daily stock price changes, this dataset is a crucial tool for those evaluating both short-term and long-term investment strategies for these companies.
Bu veri seti, Türkiye'nin çeşitli illerinde ve ilçelerindeki satılık konut metrekare fiyatlarını kapsayan veri seti sunmaktadır. İl, ilçe bazında sunulan verilere göre, Türkiye'nin farklı bölgelerindeki satılık konut metrekare fiyatlarında önemli farklılıklar görülmektedir. Bu veriler, yerel emlak piyasasını daha iyi anlamak ve konut alım-satımı yapmayı planlayanlar için değerli bir kılavuz niteliği taşımaktadır.