Internal Liquidity Management Statistics Dataset: Eurosystem's Consolidated Financials and Banking System Liquidity
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The Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) is broken down following the European classification of individual consumption according to purpose (ECOICOP) and by goods and services special aggregates derived from it. The HICP covers monetary expenditure on final consumption by resident and non-resident households on the economic territory of the euro area. The seasonally adjusted HICP data are compiled by the ECB. HICPs measure changes in prices of goods and services covered by final household monetary consumption expenditure, including all indirect taxes paid by consumers. HICPs have a common coverage of goods and services across countries but country specific item lists and item weights. HICPs do not cover expenditure for owner occupied housing. For items fully or partly paid or refunded by the government, HICPs include only the share that is paid by the consumer (e.g. the "out-of-the-pocket" expenditure for health services). The HICPs are classified according to the ECOICOP.
The Financial Market Dataset is a comprehensive data source containing a variety of financial indicators. This dataset contains a range of financial data important to financial professionals, investors and economists. This dataset includes information on money market interest rates, government bond yields, stock market indices, key ECB interest rates. It is also an indispensable resource for economic analysis or investment strategies. Tracking trends in financial markets provides valuable information for those who want to understand economic events and shape future financial decisions. This dataset has been reliably provided by the European Central Bank. It is an important tool to support financial decisions and deepen economic understanding.
The Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR): Information on Secured, Unsecured, Foreign Exchange Swap and Overnight Index Swap
The money market statistical reporting (MMSR) dataset, collected on the basis of transaction-by-transaction data from a sample of euro area reporting agents, provides information on the secured, unsecured, foreign exchange swap and overnight index swap euro money market segments. For the unsecured and secured segments all statistics are calculated in reference to each reserve maintenance period (MP), i.e. reflecting transactions with a trade date within the relevant MP. For the OIS segment the series on spot transactions are calculated with reference to each MP, while the statistics on forward-dated transactions are calculated with reference to each quarter. The euro short-term rate (€STR) is based on MMSR data. Depending on the series, aggregated total nominal amounts, daily average nominal amounts and weighted average rates are published for each MP or quarter. The published breakdowns differ across market segments and include series by transaction type, counterparty sector and maturity.
Exchange rates are critical financial data that express the value of one country's currency against the currency of another country. This data, especially presented in Euro (EUR), affects many financial processes, from international trade to investments. Exchange rates affect how things go when a country sells its goods and services to and imports them from other countries. For example, when the value of the Euro rises against the US Dollar, Eurozone products become more expensive in America, which affects Eurozone exports to America. It is also important when investing internationally. An investor shapes his decisions by predicting whether the currency of the country in which he invests will gain or lose value. As a result, exchange rates are a fundamental part of the global economy and play a central role in making many financial decisions. For businesses, investors and economists, these data help understand international trade, investments and economic policies. Therefore, being informed about exchange rates and tracking this data is critical to financial success.