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VentureRadar Dataset
Use our VentureRadar company dataset, a company discovery and ranking service, to gain in-depth information on companies of all sizes You may purchase the entire dataset or a customized subset depending on your needs. Popular use cases include: finding competitors, identifying industry trends, and gaining alternative data for investors. The VentureRadar company dataset includes data points per company and contains all the data you need for competitive intelligence and to make informed business-related decisions. The dataset includes all major data points: Ownership, Founding year, Awards, Scores, Location, Country, External links, Similar companies and more.
Census Income Dataset
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5 Years Daily Stock Performance Dataset of Medical Devices and Equipment Companies
The healthcare sector is an important and continuously evolving industry aimed at improving people's quality of life and combating diseases. Medical Devices and Equipment companies operating in this field are key players that draw attention with their innovative works and medical discoveries. This data includes the daily stock performance of Medical Devices and Equipment companies like ABT, MDT, SYK and TMO in the healthcare sector. The data includes companies' data for 5 years. Daily stock performance is a subject of great interest for investors and financial analysts in the healthcare sector, just like other pharmaceutical and healthcare companies. The daily stock performance of medical device and equipment companies such as ABT, MDT, SYK, and TMO is closely monitored by investors and financial analysts. Investors carefully analyze daily stock market data to understand the value of stocks and evaluate their performance by observing the difference between opening and closing prices. Additionally, the highest and lowest values provide insights into the volatility and potential risks of the stocks. Daily trading volume serves as a measure of investors' interest in a specific stock and indicates how actively it is being traded on a given day. These leading companies play a significant role in the medical device and equipment sector, contributing to the advancement of healthcare services and treatment methods, and striving to improve human lives. Their daily stock performance serves as a critical indicator of investor interest in their operations and reflects the overall health of the sector. Investors and financial analysts use this daily stock market data to make crucial investment decisions while considering key factors.
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Debt-to-Equity Ratio: Financial Leverage Measure for Corporations
The debt-to-equity ratio serves as a crucial indicator of financial leverage for corporations, providing insights into how companies fund their operations through equity and debt. It is derived by dividing the total debt of financial corporations by the total equity liabilities, encompassing investment fund shares, within the same sector. Debt comprises various liability categories such as currency and deposits, debt securities, loans, insurance and pension schemes, standardized guarantee schemes, and other accounts payable. On the other hand, the equity component is represented by the market value of shares, including investment fund shares, issued by the company. The financial corporations sector (S12) encompasses both private and public entities involved in financial activities. For instance, a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.5 implies that the outstanding debt exceeds the market value of the outstanding equity by 2.5 times. This ratio provides valuable insights into a corporation's financial structure and risk profile, making it a critical metric for investors, lenders, and analysts in assessing a company's financial health and stability.