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VentureRadar Dataset
Use our VentureRadar company dataset, a company discovery and ranking service, to gain in-depth information on companies of all sizes You may purchase the entire dataset or a customized subset depending on your needs. Popular use cases include: finding competitors, identifying industry trends, and gaining alternative data for investors. The VentureRadar company dataset includes data points per company and contains all the data you need for competitive intelligence and to make informed business-related decisions. The dataset includes all major data points: Ownership, Founding year, Awards, Scores, Location, Country, External links, Similar companies and more.
Lazada Products Dataset
Lazada products dataset encompasses a wide range of data related to products available on the Lazada platform across several domains. The dataset include details such as product attributes, pricing, customer reviews, seller information, and more. Use our Lazada dataset to extract meaningful insights that can inform strategic decisions, product assortment planning, pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and overall customer experience enhancements. By analyzing this dataset, you can gain a competitive edge in the dynamic and rapidly evolving e-commerce landscape. The dataset includes a range of data points, such as: prices and discounts, rating and reviews, category, seller information and more.
Manta Businesses Dataset
Use our Manta dataset, a US business directory, to find businesses in the US by location, business type, and other parameters and collect extensive information on each company. Depending on your needs, you may purchase the entire dataset or a customized subset. Popular use cases: competitive business intelligence, B2B location-based marketing, B2B data enrichment, and more! The Manta dataset is ideal for getting extensive information on businesses located in the US. Easily filter by location, business type, and other factors to get the exact data you need. The dataset includes all major data points: Business name, Address, Opening hours, Phone, Website, State, Business Category, Sic code, Social media links and more!
Walmart Datasets
Use our Walmart products dataset to get a complete snapshot of new products, categories, pricing, and consumer reviews. You may purchase the entire dataset or a customized subset, depending on your needs. Popular use cases: Identify product inventory gaps and increased demand for certain products, analyze consumer sentiment and define a pricing strategy by locating similar products and categories among your competitors. Beat your eCommerce competitors using a Walmart products dataset to get a complete overview of product pricing, product strategies, and customer reviews. The dataset includes all major data points: Product, SKU, GTIN, Currency, Timestamp, Price and more.